Friday, July 25, 2008

Analisis utk FAM

Ini bukannya umpatan, mengata dan apa2 yang sewaktu dengannya tapi hanya sekadar analisis ikhlas untuk FAM bagi memajukan bola sepak Malaysia, negaraku yang tercinta. MEmandangkan India nyer ranking lagi tinggi dari Malaysia sekarang, so ape salahnyer kite spy sket rahsia2 kejayaan diorang nih.

Tempe bile main bola baju memang smart. Kalau tak pakai satu suite sports lengkap yang ori, mesti smart pakai kemeja dan seluar slack nyer atau jeans tapi dengan berkaki ayam. Maybe dengan cara ini dapat menjimatkan masa. Tak payah nak tukar2 baju lepas kelas atau kerja. Dengan ini kita dapat lebih menepati waktu. Lebey mase training maka lagi power laa..

Tempe biler maen memang serius giler2. Walaupun maen suka2 sahaja, tapi biler sesape wat silap jer, mesti ada manager yang datang dari mane2 ntah akan memberi teguran secara berhikmah kadang2. Kalau maen tu x bleh wat silap nanti kene la substitute ngan manager. Lpas game memang akan ade sembang2 tactic2 yang baru yang bleh dipraktikkan in the next game.

Tempe kalau maen x pandai nak fair. Pernah sampai 30 orang nak lawan 11 orang kat padang besar. Nak jer sumbat 100 orang kat padang tu kalau ade. maybe dengan cara ini mereka akan dapat spot new talents dengan lebey cepat dan efektif daripada mengadakan ujian pemilihan seperti MY TEAM KJ.

Klu maen Ngan tempe tak dapat lebam ibarat pergi india tak datang Taj Mahal laa. Maen mesti gune body. Walaupon mereka memang kuat dan laju dan tinggi stamina tapi kene la play fair. Maybe ini satu factor yang menyebabkan mereka x succesful as JEPUN dan KOREA. Tak pandai nak maen fair.

Klu nak komen REf dier plak, klu ADEbayor maen kat sini konfirm dapat berjuta2 offside. Linesman mereka begitu rajin sekali mengangkat tangan mereka sambil mengibarkan benderanyer. Maybe dengan ini player2 mereka akan lebeh berdisiplin dan menjadi lebih laju bagi mengelak Offside Trap lalu m'create more goal chance.

Sekian sahaja REport khas saya utk FAM. Semoga MAlaysia yang kini kian hampeh di mata dunia jadi la macam tempe. X payah nak susah2 wat liga super la, liga msia la, My TEam la, SOccer Star, n laen2 lagi yang sewaktu dengannye.

Semoga Msia jadi lagi power at least dari INdia.

Captain India- Baichung Buthia

Monday, July 21, 2008

Samba bersama RonalAmarHo II

Kehidupan kite nih, ibarat bermain bola. Sape score paling bnyk die yang menang. Tapi nak score tu kalau lawan team2 yang cikai2 senang jer nak menang. Tapi biler lawan team yang power macam ARSENAL , kene la ade skill yang power2 nak gentel defence, keeper. Baru la boleh score.

Bile Malaysia lawan Man United, kalau Ronaldo score mesti org da x heran da. Tapi kalau Akmal Rizal yang score mesti satu tahun paper x stop2 puji dier. Sbab nye adalah defence Man UNited org kate la, power2(xtau la kebenarannyer, hehe). So biler dpt score tu kire power laa.

So same la kite nih sebagai student yang sentiasa busy dgn assignment. Tapi dalam pada masa yang same kene sentiasa buat kerja pada jalan Allah. So ibaratnyer DEfence tu adalah dugaan2 kite mcm assigment n Goal tu adalah matlamat kite, nak cari keredhaan Allah.

Kalau kiter still dapat capai matlamat kiter, cari keredhaan Allah even dengan bnyk keje, maka applause yg kiter dapat dari PAra pemerhati2 kita (Allah dan para malaikat) mesti laa lagi hebat. bkan setaun saje kene puji malah seumur hidup kiter.

So as a muslim student, kite kene la pandai dalam menggelecek defence2 yang power2 nih supaya kiter dapat score goal yang lawa2. Kalau setakat score goal tapi xde defence kureng la sket orng yang kagum. Walaupon dua2 score goal tapi goal yang lagi lawa mesti la orng lagi suke kan?

So last sekali play la total football ok mcm ARSENAL(mcm dlm vid kat bawah). haha. The GUNNERS RULEZZZ!!!


Sunday, July 20, 2008

Samba besama RonalAmarHoo..

JOm maen bola. SInce skang nih musim exam n also monsoon, so aku pon da lame x men futball sbab xde orang nk men da. so ni juz nk lpas gian laa sambil2 wat new post kt blog nih. hahaha.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Orang buta

Semalam bile pegi masjid, nampak sorang nih. Skali pndg memang nmpk alim giler laa. Dgn jubah, serban. Tapi yg pelik tyme dier solat sunat, die nyer kiblat laen sket. Dlam hati aku, Ajaran mane plak die nih??

Bile da stat iqamat, baru aku tahu die tu buta. Huhu. Insaf la skjp aku. Malu kat diri sendiri. Lenkali jgn melulu jer trus wat konklusi. Teringat plak kat cikgu aku dulu yang buta. Bnyk bnde die wat sendiri. Die wat tiles kat porch kete dier, dier wat kabinet umah dier. Dier pon Graduate Us.

Jaga anak sorunk2 jer bile tyme isteri dier gi keje. Anak pon ramei. Keadang tepikir mcm mane dier leh power mcm tuh. Katanya, biler da jadi buta, baru la insaf tentang masa depan. xkan smpi da tua nk kene begantung kat org.

Orang yang buta ni x semestinyer buta mata jer, tapi bleh buta hati gak. Biler da buta hati ni la yg bahaya. Pandang semua dgn pndgn dunia. Kat Europe, ramai jer lecturer2 yang bukan Islam tapi ajar tentang islam. Ramai jer yang hafal quran, hadis2, tahu sirah nabi. tapi semua buta hati. Semoga kite x tergolong dalam golongan org yg buta hati. ameen.

Pandangan mata selalu menipu
Pandangan akal selalu tersalah
Pandangan nafsu selalu melulu
Pandangan hati itu yang hakiki
Kalau hati itu bersih.

Hati kalau terlalu bersih
Pandangannya kan menembusi hijab
Hati kalau sudah bersih
firasatnya tepat kehendak Allah

Tapi hati biler dikotori
Bisikannya bukan lagi kebenaran.

Hati tempat jatuh nya pandangan Allah
Jasad lain tumpuan manusia

Utamakanlah pandangan Allah
Daripada pandangan manusia.

-pandangan mata by hijjaz

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Kronologi Bday Wira Tempur

Semalam baru celebrate bday Amad. 3 hari lambat. Nak cerita sket la kronologi2 bday party niih. bermula sejak 9 julai - 14 julai.

9 julai

11.00 malam : Amad menunjuk2 kan hadiah2 bday nyer kepada aku. Satu hadiah kene bukak
tyme bday dier. lagi 2 hari. Aku pon wat x tahu jer.

10 julai

11.00 malam : Wayne mengingatkan aku bahawa esok adalah bday amad. Tapi aku memang da
lupe sebab mmg xde planing celebrate mlm ni. Nk celebrate hari Sabtu.

11 julai(jumaat)
bday amad

12.00 malam : Amad membuka hadiah Jersey nyer sambil menunjukkan kepada ku. Aku
pon buat x tahu saja. Ade la aku puji sket. N hari ni aku x o9 pon. Ramei dak yg
wish dier.

8.00 pagi : Aku memberitahu Azizul dan kami da planing nk celebrate sabtu.

10 malam: Amad beritahu die nak pegi Mangalore. Aku wat x tahu jer padahal dlm hati da rase
xtau nak wat aper. cancel la planing. Pastu dier pon ajak aku.

12 julai (sabtu)

12.00 malam: Ade sape ntah call dier. Wish hapy bday. tyme tuh ak kt sebelah dier. N dier
cakap da telambat satu hari da laa. Aku pon wat2 x dgr tyme dier call tuh. die
cakap mak dier pon lom wish lagi. hehe.

8.00 pagi : Amad seperti mula diam2 dgn aku. hari x seperti biasa.

9.00 pagi : Aku btau Azizul die nk gi Mglore n kami tuka planing.

1.00 tgh hari: Moto amad x bleh stat. dier suh aku stat kan. Tapi ni bkan sebahagian dalam
planing la. sebab moto dier da bleh stat pastuh.

5.00 petang : Amad ke Mangalore. sane ade party bday gak utk dier. Izwan plan.

11.00 malam: Aku pon stat cari gambo Paris amad. Nk wat video.

13 Julai (Ahad)

4.00 petang : Amad pakai baju baru depan Afiq. Afiq pon memuji baju tu. Aku lagi sekali wat x
x dengar jer. Susah tul nak cover. Afiq la plak wat kaco.

5.00 petang : Tgok citer ROBOT ngan AMad.

14 Julai (isnin)

11.30 pagi : Aku wat kek bday AMad n Hisyam. (oder jer. bkan wat pon.haha)

12.00 tgh hari: Ak send mesej invitation utk party malam nih.

4.00 petang: Moto amad rosak. Xleh gerak2. APiz nyer planing kot. Aku mng xtau aper2.
Aku mmg x besalah. aku mengabeskan Video bday yang tertunda sejak semalam.

7.30 malam : AKu letak KEK bday kat Swarnagiri.

8.39 malam: Aku cakap xmo pakai baju same ngan amad. Tetibe lak dier terase. Cakap aku da
berubah. padahal sebelum ni bese jer. hehe.

9.00 malam: Planing ngan Apiz suh bawak balik Amad. Jgn bwk jalan mane2. Aku anta mesej
kumpul kat Swarnagiri b4 gerak gi Shivam.

10.30 malam: aku balik Libry awal giler. Nk beli air n xnak terserempak ngan Amad.

11.00 malam: sume da kumpul. Azizul mesej kat aku kate Amad da sampai umah.

11.15 malam: sume gerak. HIsham pon ade gak. Kek dinyalakan. sume lepak dkat luar.
planing asal nak surprise kat dlam bilik. So aku pon ke bilik nak tgok Amad
yang sedang ditahan Apiz. Apiz tetibe lak bleh nk tujuk lagu mende ntah.(tactic la
ni. haha.
Tapi amad tetibe nak ke depan. Dier tegor aku nape pintu x tutup. Azizul n Aji ade
kat pintu da. die gi kat pintu, Pastu sume pon masuk n nyanyi HApy BDAY to

dengan ini aku nak wish la kepada Amad n Hisyam Hapy bday. Sory la aku cerita dlam blog nih.
Sory lmbt celebrate. moga ko tidak emo2 lagi pasnih. hehe.

Sebenarnyer nk letak video yg aku wat tu, tapi lenkali laa. lambat sgt. nnt ak cari uploader laen.

Utuk RUmateku yang KACAK,


Monday, July 14, 2008

Askum Bang

Dulu mase kat skul lame aku, Senior n Junior memang ade gap giler2 laa. jumper jer senior kene kasi salam. saper x kasi jage laa.. malam tido lambat laa.

Jumper jer senior mesti kasi salam. Sebabnyer Yang muda mesti la hurmat yang tua. Pada hal beza xde le mane. Setaun jer.

Memang la best biler camtu. Biah Solehah kan. Tapi biler sampai tengah makan pon, " Assalamualaikum Bang" die kaci salam. Kan makruh da. Kesian la bro yang tgh makan.

Nak tmbh sket laa. dulu sahabat zaman Rasulullah Sentiasa beri salam. diibaratkan kalu berpisah sekejap sahaja sebab ade tembok, biler berjumpa balik mesti kasi salam.

Kat manipal ni pon lebey kureng jer. Tapi lagi advance. Tengah naek moto laju2, tetiber jer nmpk member ker, leh la plak dier nk angkat tangan. kekadang member tu jauh lagik. Klau la naseb x baek, susah laa. Mane tau biler abes angkat tangan jer ade lori kat depan.

N satu lagi time bawak bawak moto leh lak maen call2. Naseb la manipal nih x banyak kete. kadang2 bleh maen mesej plak tuh.

so nasehat kat kawan2 berhati2 la ketika merempit. Walaupon moto power mane pon tapi klu x berhati2 susah gakk. =) SEbarkanlah salam!

nasihat kepada diri. peace!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Cinta Robot

Petang ni aku bosan2. So gi la tengok citer sedey Jepon ngan Amad. Dua2 tgok citer smbil emo2. disebabkan Amad emo, terpaksa la aku buat2 emo. Haha.

Kalaulah ade Robot,
mesti best giler,
xyah susah2 nak wat kejer,
bleh maen oder jer,
suh masak die mesti masak,
suh bantai orang die msti bntai orng punyer,

Tapi bile robot bercinta,
leh plak kalahkan manusia,
mesti kiter pon rase kecewa,
rase mcm nk bunuh diri pon ada, (Nauzubillah)

Tapi kite msti ingat,
secanggih mane pon ciptaan manusia,
Hanya Allah sahaja yang Berkuasa,
last2 robot pon mesti mati jua,
x pon mesti rosak punyer r.

Tapi sebagai makhlukYang maha Esa,
jangan lah sentiasa berputus asa,
Jangan kecewa bile robot kalah kan kita,
Kite punyer hati dan perasaan yang m'specialkan kita,

betol la sabda Nabi,
hati penentu segala-galanya,
kalau hati itu baik maka baeklah segala2nya,

so jangan la jadi macam robot yg xde hati dan perasaan,
tapi jadi la robot yang tau macam mane nak jage perasaan,
susah2 jadi jer la manusia biasa yer.

LInk ni ade la sket citer pasal RObot tuh. Zettai Kareshi.


Saturday, July 12, 2008

sape nak NTD????

Time2 malam2 macam ni biler perut lapo teringat kat skool lame dulu. DUlu aku pernah la jadi AJK beli makanan. Jadi AJK bkan sebab aku kuat makan tapi sbab aku AJk kebajikan. SO bile bdak2 ni da kebulur kene r beli makanan.

SO before prep, akan ade la satu list order kat bilik warden. So tugas aku adalah menghantar list tu ke gerai makan sebelah asrama aku. Macam2 ada. Nasi paprik, Nasi USA, nasi CINA n yang paling banyak skali tiap2 malam NASI TELOR DADAR (NTD). nasi ni senang aje. nasi putih + telur dadar + sos+ sup. memang favorite dak skoll ak la dlu nih. harga pon murah jer.

Lpas abes prep aku pon dengan menggunakan kuasa yang ade, keluar la dari asrama gi gerai tu. Kadang2 klu oder x siap lagi, lepak r tengok tv. kadang2 brother tu blanjer minum air dulu. Tapi selalunyer aku dapat laa makan free. slalu NTD jer. Tapi kadang tuh brother tu suh oder jer pape. Die kaci free. Memang untung badan laa.

Memang seronok buat keje2 camtu. Lagi2 tolong orang kan. Slalu time ari malam kamis or jumat ramai laa yg oder. Setakat tu sahaje coretan yang melalut nih. Semoga lepas nih aku dapat wat tulis bnde yg lebey berfaedah dari nih.

sory. peace!

Friday, July 11, 2008


Lagu ape2 pon kalau dengar juz sekadar nk release tenson jer, mesti x dapat ape2. Hatta lagu nasyid yg bisa menginsapkan para pendengarnya. Satu hari tu Time busan2 aku terdengar la satu lagu nih. Dengar sekali macam xde pape, tapi biler dengar balik betol2 insaf giler. Lirik dier memang asik terase jer diri ini.

Kehidupan- Inteam

Kesenangan yang datang
Tak akan selamanya
Begitulah selepas susah ada kesenangan
Seperti selepas malam datangnya siang
Oleh itu waktu senang jangan lupa daratan

Gunakan kesempatan untuk kebaikan
Sebelum segalanya terlepas dari genggaman
Kelak menyesal nanti tak berkesudahan
Apa guna sesalan hanya menekan jiwa

Jangan difikir derita akan berpanjangan
Kelak akan membawa putus asa pada tuhan
Ingatlah biasanya kabus tak berpanjangan
Setelah kabus berlalu pasti cerah kembali

Ujian adalah tarbiyah dari Allah
Apakah kita ?kan sabar ataupun sebaliknya
Kesenangan yang datang selepas kesusahan
Semuanya adalah nikmat dari tuhan

sekadar nak berkongsi dengan rakan2. moga2 bertambah kebaikan dan beristiqamah dalam amalan.


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Pesan Emak

Last week time call mak, mak bnyak mengadu.
So macam biasa laa.
aku jadi tukang dengar.

Mak kate,
bila orang da ade kuasa,
mereka selalu jer luper.
Biler da belajar, jasa guru mereka lupa,
Biler sumting macam x kena,
Orang mula mencaci mencerca,
walhal x pernah pon nak tanya,
kenape begitu,
kenapa begini,

Mak kate lagi,
bile buat kerja kene la ikhlas kan hati,
baru la semua jadi,
jangan harap kan dibalas,
Sebab ALLah da berjanji,
BAlasan syurga memang menanti.

Mak kate,
Kalau orang dengki,
die yang rugi,
Allah pon benci,
Tapi kite x boleh nak marah2,
tapi kene sayang,
sebab nanti kalau ade ape2 jadi,
kita menyesal x henti.

last sekali mak kate,
study rajin2,
jangan jadi orang yg tak mengenang budi,
jangan malas2 jangan maen2.


-saya Sayang emak saya-

Saturday, July 5, 2008


"Excuse me, excuse me."

Ungkapan yg sering kedengaran bersama Bersin yang ditahan2 terutamanya di kalangan sahabat2 non muslim saya. Begitu indahnya Islam hatta ketika mahu bersin pon ada adabnya.

Sesungguhnya Allah suka kepada bersin. Jom tengok hadis nih.

Dari Abu Hurairah r.a. bahawa Nabi s.a.w. pernah bersabda:

“Sesungguhnya Allah menyukai bersin dan membenci menguap, maka apabila ia bersin, hendaklah memuji Allah (dengan ucapan Alhamdulillah). Dan merupakan kewajipan bagi setiap Muslim yang mendengar untuk mendoakannya. Adapun menguap, maka ia berasal dari syaitan, hendaklah setiap Muslim berusaha untuk menahannya sebisa mungkin, dan apabila mengeluarkan suara ‘ha’, maka saat itu syaitan mentertawakannya.”
[Sahih Bukhari]

Seterusnya kita lihat apa kewajipan kita terhadap saudara seMuslim kita.

"Jika seseorang di antara kalian bersin, maka ucapkan: Alhamdulillaahi rabbil ‘aalamiin (Segala puji bagi Allah, Rabb semesta alam), dan bagi yang mendengarnya hendaklah (tasymit) menjawab dengan Yarhamukallaah (Semoga Allah memberikan rahmat kepadamu). Lalu yang bersin mendoakan orang yang telah mendoakannya: *Yaghfirullaahu lakum (Semoga Allah mengampuni kalian).
[Diriwayatkan oleh Ibn Mas'ud, Kitab Sahih Bukhari]

So, lepas ni same2 la kita mendoakan sesame kiter. Tunaikan kewajiwapan anda sbgi MUSLIM.

Mari belajar bahasa Arab

Al-Arnabu waz Zi'bu

InsyaAllah aku cuba translate sedaya mampu berdasarkan Bahasa Arab ku yg memang dhoif gilerr.


serigala= ألذئب


pada suatu hari=

padanya = منه

mendekati = تقرب

berusaha = حاول

cerdik = ذاك) ذكي aku x sure)

penipu= ألماكر

pada suatu hari, arnab mengintip serigala mendekati dirinya.

mencuba serigala yang cerdik penipu.

(Ayat yg seterusnya bakal di translate kan in the future. mohon diperbetulkan segala kesilapan.)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

New Arsenal Away Kit Poster

GAmbar2 tu aku amek tyme diorunk tgh RELAX2. sO diorang x POSe sgt tuh. SUmer x Pndang Kamera pon. lenkaLi ak suruh diorang paNdanG KamEra. ok. Peace!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

love in my point of view...

Sometimes, in our relentless efforts to find the person we love we fail to recognize and appreciate the people who loves us. We miss out on so many beutiful things and simple because we allow ourselves to be enslaved by our own selfish concerns. Go for the man/woman of deeds and not for the man/woman of words for you will find rewarding happiness not with the man/woman you love but the man/woman who loves you more.

The best lovers are those who are capable of loving form a distance, far enough to allow the other person to grow, but never too far to feel the love deep within your being. To let go of someone doesnt mean you have to stop loving, it only means that you allow that person to find his own happiness without expecting him too come back. Letting go is not just setting the other person free, but it is also setting yourself from all the bitterness, hatred, and anger that is kept in your heart.

Do not let the bitterness lure away your strength and weaken your faith, and never allow pain to dishearten you, but rather let yourself grow with wisdom in bearing it. You man find peace in just loving someone from a distance not expecting anything in return. We can all survive with just beautiful memories of the past but real peace and happiness comes only with open acceptance of what reality is today.

There comes a time in our lives when we chance upon someone so nice and beautiful/handsome and we just find ourselves getting do intensely attracted to that person. This feelings so becomes a part of our everyday lives and eventually consumes our thoughts and actions.
The sad part of it is when we begin to realize that this person feels nothing more for us than just frienship. We start our desperate attempt to get noticed and be closer but in the end our efforts are still unrewarded and we end up being sorry for ourselves.

You dont have to froget someone you love. What you need to learn is how to accept the verdict of reality without being bitter or sorry for yourself. Believe me, you would be better off giving that dedication and love to someone more deserving. Dont lelt your heart run your life, be sensible and let your mind speak for itself. Listen not only to your feelings but to reason as well.
Always remember that if you lose someone today, it means that someone better is coming tommorow. If you lose love that doesnt mean that you failed in love. Cry, if you have to, but make sure that the tears was away the hurt and the bitterness that the past as lelft you. Let go of yesterday and love will find its way back to you. And when it does, pray that it may be the love that will stay and last a lifetime......

American gurl

How an American Girl Fell in Love with Islam
By Clare Ford

I look back on it now and it seems so perfect, yet strange. How did a normal American college student change her entire life to follow a religion that is so negatively portrayed in the west? Sometimes I think about every thing that happened and all I can say is, Subhan-Allah!

I was going to De Anza and working at a fitness store. I knew some Muslims at De Anza, but most of them were non-practicing. The few that were practicing would give me a pamphlet about Islam here and there, but I wasn’t really interested. After all, I was busy. Plus, I had tried religion and it didn’t work. I was raised in a strict Catholic household and attended Catholic school for ten years. But even as a child, the religion did not make sense. I would ask my father, But Daddy, why do I have to ask a priest to forgive me? Why can’t I just ask God? I never liked the idea of praying to anyone but God.

When I was 18 some friends invited me to their non-denominational Christian church. Everyone was so nice to me and they had so many fun programs for the youth that I just kept going back again and again. I found that hanging out with Christians was cool because there was no peer pressure to do anything bad. We could have fun in a safe environment. Every Sunday felt like I was going home because everyone was so warm and loving. The more I got involved and started studying, the more I realized that these Christians agreed with me! They didn’t pray to Mary or the saints, they only prayed to God. They also didn’t need to ask someone else for forgiveness, they prayed to God. I was overjoyed! I took every class offered, went through all the seminars, and eventually became an active member. I taught vacation bible school, led a bible study for teen girls, and was the volunteer coordinator for the college group. I eventually started speaking on various topics at different youth events as well as Summit, which is a national Christian retreat held in Colorado. The problem was, the more I studied, the less faith I had. It seemed like at first Christianity looked perfect, but then I started to see the inconsistencies in the bible as well as the teachings.

At this time I went on a mission trip to Belize to give medical help and give out bibles. I went there because I wanted to save lives. But I felt in my heart that God would be the one saving souls, and as much as I cared about people going to heaven, the one Almighty God must care much more. I started questioning church teaching on non-Christians going to hell. How could God make people so magnificent just to throw them in a burning pit for eternity? How could this be the all-Loving God that we came across the world to preach?

Getting back from the mission trip left my faith shakier than ever. I looked for answers and I just kept getting the popular saying, our human minds can’t comprehend God. But why would God want us to follow something that our minds were too feeble to understand? On top of all this questioning, scandals shook the church I was attending. There was sexual misconduct by one leader, another was caught lying, and the Pastor was accused of abusing his power. The church, literally, went out of business. I could have looked for another church, one with upstanding leadership, but I just didn’t have the faith in my heart to guide me. How could I live my entire life based on a religion that doesn’t make sense and a book that clearly contradicts itself? I gave up on religion thinking that there probably was a God, but not the one that Christianity was preaching.

Then one day, my brother was arguing with his friend about religion. He told my brother that if he wanted to know the truth, he should just pray for God to show him the truth whatever the truth may be. I went home that night and sincerely prayed that if there was a God, and he wanted me to follow Him, that He shows me the truth. I honestly forgot about the prayer and went on with my life but something inside me began to change. I started reading books about Islam, trying to find something that I didn’t agree with so I could move on and keep my view of religion. But the more I read, the more I came to a frightening realization. I agreed with everything that was in these books! I tried to make excuses. But I’m white, I don’t speak Arabic, my dad would have a heart attack!

But I was consumed with a need for more of this honest purity. I looked at websites and started reading an English translation of the Qurâan. The words of the Qurâan leaped off the page and into my heart in a way that no person had ever moved me. There were parts of the Qurâan that brought me to tears. And yet I had no doubt, no fear, only hope. I had fallen in love with Islam, and no one knew. Islam invaded my heart and it radiated outward in a way that I didn’t see. It changed every aspect of my life without me even thinking or trying, or realizing that I even changed! I started feeling shy and wearing long sleeves. When my family asked me why I was wearing long sleeves in the dead heat of summer, I told them that I was doing an experiment to see if people would treat me differently if I dressed differently.

When people would talk about Muslim terrorists I would begin, well, actually we believe, I mean, Muslims believe. Soon, the word was out. There were even â Muslims that tried to get me not to convert. My family didn’t ask so I didn’t tell them. I had an earth shaking, heart pounding, life changing TRUTH in my heart. If I took one more breath that didn’t start with Bismillah, it would be a waste. I did not want to die without being able to perform the salat. It terrified me to think that I could die, and enter the presence of Allah, knowing that I had the opportunity to praise him, thank him, exalt him, glorify him, worship him, and I put it off for another day. I knew it wouldn’t be easy and I remember someone saying that I would be tested with everything I had. Boy, they were right! I lost my job, my friends, my wardrobe, everything. But I knew in my heart that if I would submit to Allah, I would not have to worry about a thing because He would take care of me. And Allah did. I lost almost everything I had, but Allah put something better in its place.

People want to know what made this white girl leave everything she’s ever known for a backward religion like Islam. In short, it makes sense because it’s the truth. Not that there are things that I don’t understand. But the more I study, the more I trust in God, the more I pray: the more I understand. Not an understanding that comes out of books, an understanding that comes from within, that comes from Allah. And now I look back on how happy I thought I was before but how empty my life really was, and I can only say, Subhan-Allah! Alhamdulillah! La Ilaha Illa La! Allahu Akbar!

As a muslim

As a muslim

My day as a Muslim

That was when I knew: “The ‘ONE’ is true, it’s true! There is only one God…” This realization came to me with many tears, when I rose out of the first sudjood of my life. Without knowing what I was doing, I’d managed to huddle into rows of praying women during a jummuah prayer in the month of Ramadan three years ago.

Three years ago, I asked a wonderful young Muslim woman, a good friend to my sister, to please let me spend a day of Ramadan with her. I had chosen to do a research paper on Islam for my world religion’s class. To this day, I’m not really sure why I chose to write about Islam, because growing up in Europe I certainly harbored certain negative stereotypes many western women have about Islam. However, I was curious about Islam and because I’m a journalism student I decided to write an investigative paper: ‘My day as a Muslim ’.

I began my day as a ‘Muslim’ by fasting and I set out early to meet my friend, who took me to a masjid where I also interviewed a few of her friends and peers. However, as my day as a ‘Muslim’ wore on, I didn’t want to ask people questions anymore; I just wanted to experience what I was feeling: a wonderful sense of calm.

My first masjid experience began with a shock that women were in the back of the prayer hall, but ended with one of the most moving experiences I’ve ever had. I’d give anything to feel like I did during my very first sudjood, at least once more some time in my life.

After such an experience one would think that I would’ve immediately joined the Ummah. But I didn’t. Next to skeptical thoughts that suggested my sudjood experience could surely be credited to lightheadedness from fasting, I also experienced Christian guilt.

Furthermore, I was going through a deeply skeptical and almost agnostic phase, but that experience during Ramadan reminded me that Allah (swt) is real.

Although, I’d unexpectedly become attracted to Islam, it was also foreign to me, but I was inspired to incorporate religious practice in my life again. I attempted to be a ‘good Christian’ and sometimes even went to church more than once a week. But nonetheless, during the past three years I yearned for the day I was so content: the day I was a Muslim.

I admired Muslims’ strong belief in God and the beauty of Islamic religious practice. Among my favorite aspects of Islamic practice, are the forms of prayer and the praise of Allah (swt) through the beautiful sounds of Qur’anic recitation.

During the past three years I tried contacting my sister’s kind friend, who introduced me to Islam, but strangely I could not get a hold of her. But Alhamdullilah, one day she called to talk to my sister and I knew it was my chance, this was a little over a year ago.

Throughout the past year, as I learned more about Islam, I would tell my friend sincerely: “I’m a friend of Islam.” She would just smile. I remember her smile clearly, it was the smile one gives a child when they say something naïve but sweet. I think she knew I wouldn’t be content until the day I was what I wanted to be, one of those who submit, a Muslim.

This past summer I took shahaddah, Alhamdullilah and although I still have spiritual questions, I don’t mind. I will worry the day I don’t have any questions.

But now, I can explore those questions while on the path I wanted to be on since I discovered it. This path/deen has reminded me that the only true thing I need is remembrance of Allah (swt). And this path/deen provides me with all I need for my journey. Allahu Akbar.